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About the Artist!

Liana, sometimes referred to as Sam, has been interested in art since childhood. From finger painting and crafts to studying multiple forms of art and their origins, it has always been something fascinating and fun. The most compelling thing about creating is having the ability to speak to people through art. Emotions are so intense and beautiful and being able to share these experiences with other people is what Liana appreciates the most.


            As someone who takes life as it comes, Liana isn’t sure what the future holds. It could be a job somewhere in graphic design or film, or maybe it’s teaching students about how awesome and freeing art is. Either way, as long as there is room for creativity and cool experiences, it’ll be enough.


            For now, Liana’s new interest is Photoshop, the software where the final project Genesis was created. Graphic design has allowed for so much self-discovery and learning, and Liana is looking forward to seeing where this new passion leads to!

Bio: Bio
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