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About Genesis

Looking back at my time in the Arts and Culture program, I realize just how much I have grown. I have learned so much about such a variety of topics and have developed my passions for so many forms of art. Graphic design is something I became extremely interested in, so it was only fitting that I use this medium of art for my final project.

Genesis is the biggest and most time-consuming artwork I have ever committed to and I am so thrilled with the outcome. The project is composed of nine unique posters that embody the parts of me that have evolved over the semesters. These are self love, interest in philosophy, hands-on art, love of film, self-discovery, sense of community, appreciation for music, growing friendships, and general knowledge. They’re all represented in a way that makes sense to me.

Together, these posters form one bigger picture: The Creation of Adam, by the famous Michelangelo. (Fun fact, I saw this work of art in person at the Sistine Chapel and it was so mind blowing!) I’ve always been attracted to this painting and I feel that it fits the project perfectly. The hands reaching out to each other remind me of the person I used to be and the person I am today. All that someone can want is to be happy with themselves and with what surrounds them and over time I’ve been getting closer to that. College has been a great journey for me, and I see that more clearly now that it’s almost over. Genesis really captures this experience for me.

Artist Statement: Exhibitions
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